Polyamory Affirmations & Reminders

10 quick polyamory reminders and affirmations, no matter where you are in your non-monogamy journey. 

1. Non-monogamy is just as valid and viable as monogamy. Not more. Not less.

2. You don't have to be perfect, fully healed, or have all your shit together to start learning about and practicing non-monogamy

3. You are not a bad for wanting to love or have sex or have other deep connections with more than one person

4. You likely have literally decades of monogamy programming. Don't feel bad if you're struggling to combat and overwrite it all. It's a process

5. If people judge you for being non-monogamous, it's more a reflection of them than it is of you

6. You are non-monogamous even if you don't have any partners.

7. Be out to people you trust. For those you don't trust or you feel will not understand, you don't owe them any explanation

8. You're going to stumble (if you haven't already) - and that by itself will have no bearing on whether or not you're fit for non-monogamy

9. You're probably going to feel jealous and/or afraid and/or insecure from time to time. See above.

10. There are so, so many ways to do non-monogamy. As long as all parties are consenting, communicative, and respectful of boundaries and individual autonomy, you're doing it right. 


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