A Quickie Guide of Common Non-monogamy Terms

A handful of common non-monogamy terms you may find in the wild…


An experience of happiness or pleasure when your partner is happy

New Relationship Energy (NRE):

Heightened sexual and/or romantic attraction at the beginning of a relationship (AKA the “honeymoon period,” being twitterpated)

Kitchen Table Polyamory (KTP):

A structure or style of relating where partners and metamours feel comfortable hanging out and getting to know one another


A person interested in being sexual and/or romantic with both members of a couple. Related: “Unicorn Hunters” - usually derogatory term for a couple looking for said unicorn. Often frowned upon because it is common for “hunters” to disrespect the unicorn’s boundaries in order to accommodate the primary relationship.


Your partner’s partner (who you’re not directly sexually/romantically involved with)


A name for your network of partners, lovers, intimate friends, etc.

Fluid Bonded:

When partners agree to have sex with each other without barrier methods - but use barrier methods with others, usually.


A structure that prioritizes the couple as primary and ranks relationships outside of the couple as secondary, tertiary, etc. Sometimes descriptive. Sometimes prescriptive.


What Do You Call Your Flavor of Non-monogamy?


submission & the “model minority”