Sex Neutrality

A reframe for when you’re feeling stuck between sex positivity and shame

Sex neutrality is another way to approach your relationship with sex.

Body neutrality seeks to shift focus away from your appearance - not subscribing to either body positivity or negativity - and re-focus on honoring your body in other ways.

Similarly, having a "sex neutral" perspective involves de-emphasizing narratives and messaging that center sexual experiences as a part of self-empowerment - as well as narratives that shame and strike at the value of an individual for daring to even think about sex. This shift can help one feel less pressure to feel any which way about sex.

The explosion of sex positive spaces and communities is awesome, but sometimes it can leave some people feeling like they may be broken or labeled a "prude" or that they may not be living up to some progressive standard of liberation if they're not always super gung-ho about the sex.

Shooting for a more "neutral" framework isn't about being anti-sex-positive and it also isn't for everyone.

It's merely another tool, another lens you can use to help in your exploration of your sexual desires.

I bring this up because I talk fairly freely about my sexual journey on here. This is part of my personal path of moving past the shame and the negative messages I grew up with — so I want to emphasize that embracing sluttiness is not the only way to explore your sexual journey.

Your path is yours and should be done at your own pace and within the boundaries you choose.


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